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Friday, June 18, 2010


“ LOVE ” ...

  • U can give that ...........
  • U can have that ...........
  • U can share that with anybody .......
but with

“ TIME ” …

  • U can't stop it or control it ....
  • U can never bring back the ‘Time’ that has gone by ...

So spend your “ TIME ” wisely and cherish it while U still have it .!.!.!.
Spend “ TIME” with your “ LOVED ” ones

U never know when your “ TIME ” will be over .!.!.!.

Friday, June 11, 2010

1ST REJAB 1431 = 14TH JUNE 2010


Sabda Nabi s.a.w.: Hendaklah kamu memuliakan bulan Rejab,

nescaya Allah muliakan kamu dengan seribu kemuliaan di hari

kiamat. Sabda Nabi s.a.w.: Bulan Rejab Bulan Allah, Bulan

Sya'aban bulanku & bulan Ramadhan bulan umatku.

Kemuliaan Rejab dengan malam ISRAK MIKRAJnya, Sya'aban

dengan malam NISFUnya Ramadhan dengan LAILATUL-QADARnya.
Malam awal Rejab mustajab do'anya.

(Dalam Kitab Raudhoh Iman Nawawi)

* Puasa sehari pada bulan Rejab mendapat syurga tertinggi (Firdaus).

* Puasa dua hari dilipatgandakan pahalanya.

* Puasa tiga hari pada bulan Rejab dijadikan parit yang panjang, yang menghalangkan dia keneraka (panjangnya setahun perjalanan).

* Puasa empat hari pada bulan Rejab diafiatkan daripada bala dan daripada penyakit yang besar-besar dan daripada fitnah Dajal di hari kiamat.

* Puasa lima hari pada bulan Rejab, aman daripada azab kubur.

* Puasa enam hari pada bulan Rejab, keluar kubur bercahaya muka.

* Puasa tujuh hari pada bulan Rejab, ditutup daripada tujuh pintu neraka.

* Puasa lapan hari pada bulan Rejab, dibuka baginya lapan pintu syurga.

* Puasa sembilan hari pada bulan Rejab keluar dari kuburnya lalu, MENGUCAP DUA KALIMAH SHAHADAH tidak ditolak dia masuk syurga.

* Puasa 10 hari pada bulan Rejab Allah jadikan baginya hamparan perhentian di Titi Sirotolmustaqim pada tiap-tiap satu batu di hari kiamat.

* Puasa 16 belas hari pada bulan Rejab akan dapat melihat wajah Allah di dalam syurga dan orang yang pertama menziarahi Allah di dalam syurga.

* Puasa 19 belas hari pada bulan Rejab, dibina baginya sebuah mahligai di hadapan mahligai Nabi Allah Ibrahim a.s dan Nabi Allah Adam a.s.

* Puasa 20 hari pada bulan Rejab, diampunkan segala dosanya yang telah lalu. Maka mulailah beramal barang yang tinggi daripada umurnya (pembaharuan umur). Berkata Saidina Ali:

* Puasa Rejab 13 hari seperti puasa tiga ribu tahun.

* Puasa Rejab 14 hari seperti puasa sepuluh ribu tahun.

* Puasa Rejab 15 hari seperti puasa seratus ribu tahun.

Kelebihan bulan Rejab dari segala bulan seperti kelebihan Qur'an atas segala Qalam. Puasa sehari pada bulan Rejab seperti puasa empat puluh tahun dan diberi minum air dari Syurga. Puasa 10 hari pada bulan Rejab dijadikan dua sayap, terbang seperti kilat di atas Titi Sirotalmustaqim di hari kiamat. Puasa sehari pada bulan Rejab seperti mengerjakan ibadat seumurnya. Puasa pada awal Rejab, pertengahannya dan akhirnya seperti puasa sebulan pahalanya.

Bulan Rejab Syahrullah (Bulan Allah), diampunkan dosa orang-orang yang meminta ampun dan bertaubat kepada Allah. Puasa Bulan Rejab wajib baginya:

* Diampunkan dosanya yang lalu.

* Dipeliharakan Allah umurnya yang tinggal.

* Terlepas dari dahaga di hari kiamat.

Orang yang lemah dari berpuasa pada bulan Rejab hendaklah bersedekah tiap-tiap hari sekurang-kurangnya sebiji roti. Sasiapa bersedekah pada bulan Rejab seperti sedekah seribu dinar, dituliskan kepadanya tiap sehelai bulu ruma jasadnya seribu kebajikan, diangkat seribu darjat, dihapus seribu kejahatan.

Tiap sehari puasanya pada bulan Rejab dan sedekahnya pada bulan Rejab seperti ibadat seribu Haji dan Umrah. Dibina mahligai seribu bilik dan seribu bidadari, lebih cantik daripada atahari seribu kali.

Bulan Rejab bulan Allah. Bersedekah pada bulan Rejab dijauhkan Allah daripada api neraka kerana kemuliaan bulan Rejab, Bulan Allah. Allah jadikan di belakang bukit Jabal Qar bumi, yang putih yang penuh dengan Malaikat dengan panji-panji berhimpun pada tiap malam Rejab meminta ampun oleh mereka kepada Umat Muhammad. Allah menjawap: Telah aku ampunkan mereka! Barangsiapa meminta ampun (bersitighfar) kepada Allah pagi dan petang 70 kali atau 100 kali, pada bulan Rejab di haramkan tubuhnya daripada api neraka.

Sesiapa berpuasa sebulan pada bulan Rejab, Allah berseru kepadanya: "Telah wajib hakmu atasKu, maka mintalah olehmu kepadaKu. Demi ketinggian Ku dankebesaranKu, tidak Aku tolakkan hajatmu. Engkau adalah jiranKu dibawah `arasyKu, engkau kekasihKu daripada segala makhlukKu, engkau terlebih mulia atasKu. Sukakanlah kamu, tiada dinding antaraKu dan antarakau".(dari kitabRaudatul Ifkar)

Puasa pada 27 bulan Rejab seperti berpuasa enam puluh bulan pahalanya. Jika disertai dengan sedekah seperti puasa seribu tahun, kerana kebesaran hari ISRAK-MIKRAJ.

Siapa melapangkan kekeruhan, kesusahan, kesempitan orang mukmin pada bulan Rejab dikurniakan Allah kepadanya Mahligai yang besar di dalam syurga Firdaus.

Siapa berpuasa tiga hari pada bulan Rejab dan beribadat pada malamnya (berjaga), seperti dia berpuasa tiga ribu tahun. Diampunkan baginya 70 dosa-dosa besar tiap-tiap hari, ditunaikan 70 hajat ketika keluar nyawanya daripada jasadnya, 70 hajatnya di dalam kuburnya, 70 hajat ketika terbang suhuf (ketika Qur'an dinaik ketika berlalu di Titi Sirotalmustaqim.

Rejab ertinya ta'zim (kebesaran, keagungan, kemuliaan). (Rahmat, pemurah, kebajikan). Kerana kebesaran, keagungan dan kemuliaan bulan Rejab itu maka Allah limpahkan rahmatNya, kemurahanNya dan terhadap hamba-hambaNya yang beriman dan beramal solih pada bulan Rejab, dengan berpuasa pada siangnya dan beribadat pada malamnya.

Demikianlah peri keistimewaannya keagungan bulan Rejab itu yang dinamakan dengan BULAN ALLAH.

REJAB bulan menabur benih.

SYA'ABAN bulan menyiram tanaman.

RAMADHAN bulan menuai.

REJAB menyucikan badannya.

SYA'ABAN menyucikan hatinya.

RAMADHAN menyucikan rohnya.

REJAB bulan taubat.

SYA'ABAN bulan muhibbah.

RAMADHAN dilimpahi pahala amalan.

bersama kita merebut peluang, smoga kita diantara insan terpilih memperolehi nikmat dari hidayahNYA..


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Liza's Pictures

Me &Henna Woman                          

Hiba, Me, Henna & Oukhti Fadzilah

Henna on my hand

Me at Queensbay

Me & Aesmah

Me & Firdaus (Nephew)
Me in Office
Me in Abaya                                                                                                 
Me In Moroccan Traditional Clothes

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


*** Ideal character of Muslim women ***

In the Qur'an, Allah informs us how belief benefits a woman:

Do not marry women who associate [others with Allah] until they believe. A slave girl who is one of the believers is better for you than a woman who associates [others with Allah], even though she may attract you. And do not marry men who associate [others with Allah] until they believe. A slave who is one of the believers is better for you than a man who associates [others with Allah], even though he may attract you. Such people call you to the Fire, whereas Allah calls you, with His permission, to the Garden and forgiveness. He makes His Signs clear to people so that, hopefully, they will pay heed. (Surat al-Baqara: 221)

Allah reveals that belief, fear and respect of Allah, and Islamic morality are the foremost causes of the believers' strength of character and virtue. Belief makes all of a person's qualities meaningful. In addition, the Qur'an's morality helps women, and everyone else, to acquire a most strong, solid, and virtuous character. As Allah revealed in the verse, "No indeed! We have given them that by which they are remembered [i.e. their honor, eminence and dignity]" (Surat al-Mu'minun: 71), this morality gives people their dignity and honor. Therefore, women who live by this morality will be respected and enjoy their deserved honor and dignity.

As we mentioned earlier, Allah has not determined separate characters for men and women and therefore calls on all people to abide by one Muslim character. Therefore, Muslims fear and respect Allah, seek His good pleasure, and seek only to win the Hereafter, in the full knowledge that this worldly life is temporary and that he or she will die one day.

Muslim Women Submit to God:

Muslim women believe in Allah with a true heart, submit completely to Him, are aware that there is no other deity, that He is the Lord of every being and thing, and that He is All-Powerful. Therefore, she fears and respects only Him and seeks to win only His good pleasure. She worships only Him, accepts only Him as her closest friend, and seeks only His help. She also knows that only He can direct good and bad toward her, and so lives in the full knowledge that she is dependent on Him. She knows that He keeps her alive, provides and cares for her, and protects and guards her. For these reasons, she has no expectations of other people.

She believes in Allah without the slightest doubt in her heart for her whole life, never losing heart or belief regardless of the circumstances. She knows how to be grateful and content with her closeness to Him both when her life is good and when she is undergoing difficulties. She is in a state of constant submission, certain of our Lord's love, compassion, forgiveness, and providence.

When she encounters a problem, she knows that Allah has provided a solution in the Qur'an, and that what matters most is her continued sincere love, submission, and trust in Allah. She is certain of Allah's promise that He creates everything according to His justice and with wisdom and goodness.

Even if her problems seem to go on forever, she never surrenders to hopelessness or worries when His help will come. Content with what He has sent her way, she maintains her patience and submission, knowing that something good will come out of it. She remembers what the Qur'an says about those who abandon their belief in such times. In addition, she recites "My Lord is with me and will guide me" (Surat ash-Shu'ara': 62), just as the Prophets did when faced with hardship. Throughout her life, her profound faith enables her to see Allah's compassion, closeness, love, help, and friendship at all times.

This superior character becomes even more distinctive when compared with that of unbelieving women. Some unbelieving women do not show the appropriate degree of submission in their encounters, because they ignore the fact that Allah creates everything and inserts much wisdom and goodness hidden therein. One of the best-known characteristics of such women is their impatience, lack of determination, panic, and throwing tantrums when experiencing various hardships.

For this reason, and to save themselves the hassle, men often try to keep women away from potentially troublesome situations. Movies and novels are full of such stories. Since they do not place their trust in Allah and do not submit to Him, they cannot find the patience and resolution to endure hard times. In fact, their strength is in direct proportion to the size of the gain they can expect from working through these difficulties.

Believing women derive their strength from their belief and their determination to win Allah's good pleasure. Therefore, their resistance can be quite powerful. The Qur'an reveals this truth in the following verse: "Allah's guidance, that is true guidance. We are commanded to submit as Muslims to the Lord of all the worlds" (Surat al-An'am: 71). Allah gives good news to those who submit to Him:

Those who submit themselves completely to Allah and do good have grasped the Firmest Handhold. The end result of all affairs is with Allah. (Surah Luqman: 22)

Not so! All who submit themselves completely to Allah and are good-doers will find their reward with their Lord. They will feel no fear and will know no sorrow. (Surat al-Baqara: 112)

Muslim Women Have Great Ideals:

One of the unbelievers' most misguided character traits is the restrictions that they placed on people's ideals, thoughts, and lifestyle. In the case of women, society tells them that they have certain duties and responsibilities that they are expected to fulfill to the best of their ability. Usually, they are not encouraged to acquire different ideals or develop their personalities. Only when women become aware of this reality do they begin to perceive the need to seek greater ideals, widen their horizon, and develop their personalities.

rimarily, women are expected to provide for and cater to their families' needs and raise their children. Otherwise, they focus on themselves, according to the conditioning they received when young. They concentrate on their physical appearance, hair style, make-up, clothing and fashion in general; keeping their homes clean; and talking with their friends. While there is nothing wrong with such activities, it is wrong to limit their lives just to these tasks without even knowing why this is so.

Allah created men and women for a purpose and revealed their responsibilities in the Qur'an. Most importantly, each woman is responsible to our Lord, for He created her, gave her life, protected and watched over her, and provided for her. Men and women are required to lead the moral life prescribed by Allah, worship and serve Him, and to win His good pleasure. They are required to tell people who are far from the happy and contented life of following the Qur'an's values about Islam's values and to make a genuine effort to help them draw closer to Allah's pleasure, mercy, and Paradise. They must strive to save people from negative frames of mind, and from suffering under the influence of the chaos and disorder, all of which are presented by Satan and thus are devoid of true love, respect, and friendship.

All believers are obliged to help and guide those who are weak and distressed to His path:

What reason could you have for not fighting in the Way of Allah-for those men, women, and children who are oppressed and say: "Our Lord, take us out of this city whose inhabitants are wrongdoers! Give us a protector from You! Give us a helper from You!?" (Surat an-Nisa': 75)

Allah further reminds Muslims that they are obliged to assist orphans, people who are stranded, and other needy people:

Worship Allah and do not associate anything with Him. Be good to your parents and relatives, orphans and the very poor, neighbors who are related to you and neighbors who are not related to you, and companions, travelers, and your servants. Allah does not love anyone vain or boastful. (Surat an-Nisa': 36)

A Muslim woman is aware of all these responsibilities and so does not focus only on herself. Rather, she does her best to solve the problems around the world, such as helping people who are suffering, fighting infectious diseases, working with children displaced or orphaned by war and conflict, and taking care of the elderly and other women as if they were her own problems.

She gives her full attention to every matter in her daily life, because she knows that the truly important thing is to win Allah's good pleasure, live the Qur'an's morality, and spread this morality in order to bring true contentment and happiness to all others. For this reason, she acts in the knowledge that what she encounters each day is not so important when put into the overall context of what she was created to do.

Muslim Women Are Dignified:

... And the soul and what proportioned and inspired it with depravity or heedfulness; he who purifies it has succeeded, he who covers it up has failed. (Surat ash-Shams: 7-10)

The above verses warn people about the selfish ego that, when not brought under control, will lead them to limitless evil. A person's fear and respect of Allah, as well as his or her belief in the Hereafter, gives each person the strength and reason to resist these temptations.

Without this awareness, people will follow their desires and not worry about their meeting with Allah in the Hereafter, where they will be held accountable for their deeds. If his ego demands anger, jealousy, or ill-treatment of someone else, he will indulge it. If her selfish ego encourages her to vent her anger or jealous frustration with insinuations, mockery, slander, lies, conspiracies, or hypocritical behavior, she will oblige it without giving it a second thought. Such people will commit all of these sins without reservation, because they believe that they will never have to account for their deeds.

Allah, however, reveals that all of these activities are unconstrained evils called for by the selfish ego. When people act on these impulses, things just get worse. People who cannot control their emotions, even when they know that what they are doing is wrong, show that they are both weak and ignore their conscience. In other words, they seem to grow smaller. It is debasing to be unable to act maturely or respond rationally when their selfish egos suggest otherwise. As Allah reveals, the dignifying and rightful response to such evil suggestions is to ignore them and act conscientiously. This character trait needs to be worked on, for eventually it will earn other people's respect and love and raise the person's ranks in His eyes, as well as in the eyes of other people.

Muslim women have enough dignity and character to reject such debasing behavior for small gains. Allah informs us of the conspiring nature of unbelieving women: "He saw the shirt torn at the back and said: 'The source of this is women's deviousness. Without a doubt your guile is very great'" (Surah Yusuf: 28). Unbelieving women often try to resolve situations by conspiring, intriguing, or lying instead of seeking rational solutions. Indulging Satan's suggestions, they fall back on hypocrisy, cowardice, or devious methods. Believing women, on the other hand, resolve their problems by honesty, openness, and sincerity, for their awareness of Allah totally removes them from such inappropriate behavior.

Unbelieving women also are characterized by envy. Allah mentions envious people and warns others about their evil: "Say: 'I seek refuge with the Lord of Daybreak, from the evil of what He has created and from the evil of the darkness when it gathers, and from the evil of women who blow on knots and from the evil of an envier when he envies'" (Surat al-Falaq: 1-5). Some unbelieving women are prone to such behavior, which causes distrust, tantrums, broken relationships, and endless arguments, all of which result in an unfulfilled and unhappy life. In addition, they cause great suffering and damage to themselves and to those around them. Believing women, however, will disregard this aspect of human ego, knowing that it leads to great losses in this life as well as in the next.

Mockery is another character defect of unbelieving women. In the following verse Allah warns them against such behavior: "O you who believe! People should not ridicule others who may be better than themselves; nor should any women ridicule other women who may be better than themselves. And do not find fault with one another or insult each other with derogatory nicknames" (Surat al-Hujurat: 11).

Those women who are shaped by the unbelief that rules their societies do not hesitate to ridicule people for their shortcomings or to mock others, because they do not think of the Hereafter. They do not consider this behavior as wrong, but rather as a kind of humor. Often this mockery is not even verbal, but is expressed by making faces, rolling one's eyes, imitating their mannerisms, or whispering about them. Believing women shun such activities, because they know that Allah requires them to live according to the Qur'an's morality.

In another verse, Allah reminds people not to speculate or gossip about others: "O you who believe! Avoid most suspicion. Indeed, some suspicion is a crime. Do not spy and do not backbite one another. Would any of you like to eat his brother's dead flesh? No, you would hate it. And have fear of Allah. Allah is Ever-Returning, Most Merciful" (Surat al-Hujurat: 12).

Believing women live dignified lives. Instead of mocking others, they try to help. They compliment people who are successful, instead of succumbing to envy and gossip. And, when in the company of unbelieving people who might somehow offend them, they do not compromise their integrity or dignity.

Prayer Calls

السلام ﻋﻠﻴﻜم و رﺣﻤﺔﺍﷲ و ﺑﺮﻛﺎﺗﻪ

Among the marvels of modern technology is also the ability to track the missed calls which were made by our friends and foes and the likes.
We do not get a good night's sleep, unless we have returned the calls of those who matter.
We don't let any call go unanswered as long as we know that it matters. Don't we?But how about the calls of "hay-yaa al-as-salaah and hay-yaa al-al falah" made from the neighborhood house of our master, the Almighty Allah.? Those calls are made five times a day and many a times they all go unanswered.
We do not either respond!!! Nor do we respect these missed calls. Do they matter?Everybody can tell, if these really matter. May be not today nor tomorrow, but surely in the hereafter.
Let us look at ourselves. Can we afford to let these calls of the muezzin be missed, day after day, after day.The call from our cherisher, sustainer and the ultimate master. Just think about it.
Next time one hears this call, just ask yourself how good a night's sleep can I have by missing those calls from the house of Allah Think about it....the answer may come from the inner heart.
Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) says: "The one who guides to good will be rewarded equally".
JazakhALLAHU Khairan Kasira......

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Definition of Love in Islam

As-Salaamuailaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakaatuh.
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.

Dear brother in Islam, first of all, we would like to thank you for the great confidence you place in us, and we implore Allah Almighty to help us serve His cause and render our work for His Sake. We would like to stress certain points before giving you the answer:

There is a difference between love and romance. Romance, if not checked, may mean wasting time, effort and dignity. Islam teaches us to be truthful and realistic. Besides, the concept of love in Islam is very unique, when a Muslim loves something or somebody, it must be for the sake of Allah; the same applies to hatred. Islam teaches us that marriage is the finest, purest and permissible relationship that should exist between a male and female; it should be the goal that they both have in mind.

There is no room in Islam for illicit affairs or the Western vogue-word of boyfriend and girlfriend. All those stories of media and movies are not helpful to make a person comply with the teachings of Islam. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, says: "Three qualities, if found in a person, will help him have perfect faith: Having Allah and His Messenger, peace and blessings be upon him, as the most beloved ones, loving a person only for the sake of Allah and hating getting back to Kufr (disbelief) the way one hates to be thrown into fire." That means love is a fruit of piety. Love without piety is mischief.

There is no concept of courtship in Islam as it is practiced in the West. There is no dating or living in de facto relationship or trying each other out before committing to each other. There is to be no physical relationship whatsoever before marriage. The romantic notions that occupy the mind of young people often have proven in most cases to be unrealistic and harmful to those involved.

We only have to look at the alarming divorce rate in the West to understand this point. To give an example, the couple know each other for years, are intimate, live together and so on. Yet somehow this does not guarantee the success of the future marriage. Romance and love simply do not result in an everlasting bond between two people. In most cases, romance and love die out very quickly when couple find themselves with the real world. The unrealistic expectation that young people have is what often contributes to the failure of their relationship.

The West makes fun of the Islamic way of marriage, in particular arranged marriage. Yet, the irony is that statistically arranged marriages prove to be more successful and lasting than romantic types of courtship. This is because people are blinded by the physical attraction and thus do not choose the compatible partner. Love blinds people to the extent of overlooking potential problems in the relationship. There is an Arabic proverb that says: "Love is blind, it makes zucchini turn into okra". Arranged marriages, on the other hand, are based not on physical attraction or romantic notions, but rather on critical evaluation of the compatibility of the couple. That is why such marriage often proves successful. From an Islamic perspective, in choosing a partner, the most important factor that should be taken into consideration is Taqwa (piety and consciousness of Allah).

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, recommended the suitors to see each other before going through with marriage procedures. That is very important because it is unreasonable for two people to be thrown into marriage and be expected to have a successful marital life, full of love and affection, when they know nothing of each other. The couple are permitted to look at each other. This ruling does not contradict the Qur'anic verse that says, “…believing men and women should lower their gaze” (An-Nur: 30).

The couple, however, are not permitted to be alone in a closed room or go out together alone. As the Hadith says: "When a man and a woman are together alone, the Shaytan (Satan) makes their third." One of the conditions of a valid marriage is the consent of the couple. Marriage by definition is a voluntary union of two people. The choice of a partner by a Muslim virgin girl is subject to the approval of the father or guardian. This is to safeguard her welfare and interests.

The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, said: "The widow and the divorced woman shall not be married until she has consented to that and the virgin shall not be married until her consent is sought." The Prophet did nullify the marriage of a girl who complained to him that her father had married her against her wishes. Though love is something nice, and it is recommended for a man to marry a woman whom he loves, because the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, said: “There is nothing better for two who love each other than marriage.” (Sahih Al-Jami`, 5200)

However, this love should not be overwhelming and cause a person to forget other characteristics which he should look for in the person he wants to marry. The most important characteristic is religious commitment. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, says: “A woman may be married for four things: her wealth, her lineage, her beauty and her commitment to religion. Choose the one who is religious, may your hands be rubbed with dust [i.e., may you prosper]!” (Agreed-upon Hadith). Dear brother in Islam, we hope that the main points of the issue have become clear.

Now, let’s assume that you are the subject of the hypothesis you draw in your question: On what basis would you like to choose your partner? Wouldn’t you look to her commitment to Islam – does she pray regularly, for example? Does she adhere to the Islamic Hijab prescribed by Shari'ah? If the lady you want to marry is religious, of good manners, and obeys Allah and His Messenger, and both of you want to please Allah in this world in order to earn reward in the Hereafter, then you have made a perfect choice, and we ask Allah to fulfill your hopes and bring you together in a good way. If she is not, then you should reconsider your choice.

May Allah help you to do what He loves and what pleases Him! As for the second part of your question, i.e. the girl’s refusal to marry a person who has asked her hand in marriage, we suggest that, if such thing happens, the person in question can make efforts and seek all permissible ways to persuade the father or the guardian of the girl to give her in marriage to him. One can just bring mediators from within the family, i.e. he can resort to those people whose word carries weight to help in the issue.

One can also seek the help of the Imam of the Islamic Center where the girl’s father goes, to talk with him about this, and always pray earnestly to Allah to help realize the dream if it’s good. But we have to emphasize that it is not lawful to compel a girl to marry someone she does not want.

Allah Almighty knows best.