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Wednesday, December 15, 2010



  • Tanggal 1-9hb disunatkan berpuasa (puasa Tasua')
  • 1-9th Muharram commendable to fasting (Tasua')

  • Tanggal 10hb disunatkan berpuasa (puasa Asyura)
  • 10th Muharram commendable to fasting (called as Ashyura).

  • Dalam bulan ini disunatkan agar memperbanyakkan amalan bersedekah kepada fakir miskin
  • Encourage people to free the alms to the poorer & the needy

  • Disunatkan supaya melebihkan perbelanjaan dalam keluarga
  • Commendable to spend more expenses to families & relatives
  • Mengusap kepala anak yatim dan menaruh perasaan belas kasihan terhadap mereka
  • Touch the orphanage heads & feel sorry to them

  • Memperbanyakkan bacaan zikir dan selawat
  • Recite more 'zikrullah' and 'salawat'

  • Sesiapa yang berbuat baik kepada anak yatim seolah-olah ia telah berbuat baik kepada semua anak-anak yatim.
  • Who ever been nice to the orphan just like he/she been nice to all the orphanage.

  • Sesiapa yang bersedekah pada hari itu maka seolah-olah ia tidak pernah menolak permintaan orang yang meminta-minta selama hidupnya
  • Who ever give the alms (sadaqah) its like he/she never neglect the wish from the needy for entire of his/her life

Monday, November 1, 2010



Aku Merintih, Aku Menangis,
Aku Meratap, Aku Mengharap,
Aku Meminta Dihidupkan Semula,
Agar Dapat Kembali Ke Dunia Nyata,

Perjalanan Roh Ku,
Melengkapi Sebuah Kembara,
Singgah Di Rahim Bonda,
Sebelum Menjejak Ke Dunia,

Menanti Di Barzakh,
Sebelum Berangkat Ke Mahsyar,
Diperhitung Amalan,
Penentu syuga Atau Sebaliknya,

Tanah Yang Basah Berwarna Merah,
Semerah Mawar Dan Juga Rindu,
Tujuh (7) Langkah Pun Baru Berlalu,
Selesai Talkin Penanda Syahdu,

Tenang Dan Damai Di Pusara Ku,
Nisan Batu Menjadi Tugu,
Namun Tak Siapa Pun Tahu Resah Penantian Ku,

Terbangkitnya Aku Dari Sebuah Kematian,
Seakan Aku Dengari,
Tangis Mereka Yang Aku Tinggalkan

Kehidupan Disini Bukan Suatu Khayalan,
Tetapi Ia Sebenar Kejadian,
Kembali Oh Kembali
Kembalilah Kedalam Diri,

Sendirian ... Sendiri,
Sendiri Bertemankan Sepi,
Hanya Kain Putih Yang Membaluti Tubuhku,
Terbujur Dan Kaku,
Jasad Terbujur Didalam Keranda Kayu,

Ajal Yang Datang Dibuka Pintu,
Tiada Siapa Yang Memberi Tahu,
Tiada Siapa Pun Yang Dapat Hindari,
Tiada Siapa Yang Terkecuali,

Lemah Jemari Nafas Terhenti,
Tidak Tergambar Sakitnya Mati,
Cukup Sekali Jasad Ku Untuk Mengulagi,

Jantung Berdenyut Kencang,
Menantikan Malaikat Datang,
Mengigil Ketakutan Gelap Pekat Dipandangan,
Selama Ini Diceritakan

Kini Aku Merasakan,
Di Alam Barzakh Jasad Dikebumikan,
Aku Merintih, Aku Menangis,
Aku Meratap, Aku Mengharap,

Aku Meminta Dihidupkan Semula,
Agar Dapat Kembali Ke Dunia Nyata.

(Noor Liza Abdul Rahman)

Waiting In The Sentences

I'm Mourn, I'm Crying,
I'm Lament, I'm Hoping,
I Asked For An Enabled,
To Get Back Into The Real World,

Journey Of The Spirit,
Completing An Adventure,
Stopped In Bondage Of Mother's Worm,
Prior To World tracking,

Waiting In The Sentences,
Prior To Departing Together,
Kindness Had Been Judge,
Paradise Or Otherwise,

Wet Sand Red Colours,
Likes Roses And Missing,
Seven (7) Steps ...Walk Away,
So Touch once 'Talkin' done,

Peace And Calm In Grave,
A Memorial Stone Of  The Headstone,
But Nobody knows i'm anxious waiting,

Wake Me Up From The Death,
As I Heard,
I Left Them Crying,

Life Here Is Not An Illusion
But It's Real,
Come Back...
Come Back Into My Self

Alone.... Lonely,
Alone....., Accompany By Lonely .....,
Only White Clotes Wrapping My Body,
Lying And Rigid,
My Body Lying In A Wooden Coffin

The Next Death Opened The Door,
Nobody Tells That...,
Nobody Can Avoid It,
No One Is Immune,

The Weak Fingers Stopped The Breathing,
The Penalty Of Death Is Not Envisaged,
It Is Enough For Just Once Of Repeat Of My Body,

The Fast Heart Beating.....,
Waiting For The Angels To Come,
Trembling Fear Of The Dark That Thick The Viewed,
During This Narrated,

Now I Felt It,
Bodies Had Been Buried In  A Partition,
I'm Mourn, I'm Crying,
I'm Lament, I'm Hoping,

Again I Asked To Reborn,
To Return To The Real World.

Alone..... Lonely....,
Alone.....Accompany By Lonely,
Only White Clothes Wrapping My Body,
Lying And Rigid,
My Body Lying In A Wooden Coffin

The Next Death Opened The Door,
Nobody Tells That,
Nobody Can Avoid It,
No One Is Immune,

(Noor Liza Abdul Rahman)

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Stress Lawannya Solat

Stress Lawannya Solat
(Cemerlang, Management, Solat, Dakwah)

Solat fardhu lima waktu dan solat sunat (nawafil) berkeupayaan memberi ketenangan dan mengawal tekanan hormon dalam badan manusia. Solat yang khyusuk mampu memberi kesegaran kepada anggota badan dan membina kecergasan minda. Solat yang khyusuk adalah solat yang sempurna yang melibatkan tumpuan penuh fizikal dan hati kepada Allah SWT. Dalam usaha mencapai hakikat khyusuk ini, maka kita hendaklah bermula dari amalan mengambil wudhuk dengan sempurna, melaksanakan solat dengan cermat dari segi bacaan, qiyam, rukuk, iktidal, sujud, thoma’ninah serta memahami isi bacaan.

Firman Allah SWT dalam surah al-Ma’aarij ayat 19-22:

Maksudnya: ”Sesungguhnya manusia itu dijadikan bertabiat resah gelisah. Apabila ia ditimpa kesusahan, ia sangat resah gelisah. Dan apabila ia beroleh kesenangan, ia sangat kedekut. Kecuali orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang.”

Berdasarkan ayat ini, ternyata keistimewaan amalan ibadah khusus membuktikan bahawa Islam telah menyediakan pakej penjagaan kesihatan fizikal (jasmani) dan spiritual (rohani) yang begitu diperlukan oleh manusia tanpa perlu taksub kepada konsep penjagaan kesihatan yang lain.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Wadaan / Selamat Tinggal / Good Bye

Wadaan (وَدَاعًا )

وَدَاعًا دُنْيَا اْ لأَ حْزَانِ
وَأَهِلِّيْ دُنْيَا اْلإِ يْـمَا نِ
وَالطَّيْرُ اْلمَكْسُوْرُجَنَاحًا
مَاعَادَفَقِيْدَ الجَرْحَانِ

يَاقَلْبِي اْلمَهْمُوْمُ طِنَاعًا
قَدْرَحَلَتْ عَنِّي أَحْزَانِي
سَأَ طِيْرُ إِلىَ دُنْيَا أَهْوَاء
أَنَامُسْلِمُ أَغلُوبِإِيْمَانِى

عُنْوَانِي اْلمُسْلِمُ وَكَفَانِي
أَ نِّيَ مِنْ جُنْدِ اْلإِيْمَانِى
قُرْآنُيْ نُوْرٌوَضِيَاءٌ
إِسْلاَمِيْ حُبِّي وَحَنَابِي

وَاحْوِيْنِي يَادُنْيَا الطُّهْرِ
فَهَوَاكِ عَيْلاَٴوُجْدَانِي
إِخْوَانِي طُهْرٌوَعَفَافٌ
أَبْطَالٌ جُنْدُالرَّحْمٰنِ

فِي ظِلِّ الدِّ يْنِ أَنَاأَحْيَا
أَفْدِ يْ إِسْلاَمِي مُتَفَانِي
حَتَّى أُسْتَخْلَفَ فِي الدُّنْيَا
( نور ليزا  عبد الرحم
===== # + # =========



Selamat tinggal wahai dunia duka
Dan selamat datang wahai dunia iman
burung yang patah sayapnya
Takkan mati kerana lukanya

Wahai hatiku yang sedih perangainya
Sungguh kesedian itu telah meninggalkan diriku
Kan terbang aku kedunia cinta
Kerana aku seorang muslim
yang berbumbungkan dengan iman

Gelarku adalah muslim dan itu cukup bagiku
Aku termasuk kedalam tentera keimanan
Al Qur'an adalah cahaya dan sinar
Islam adalah kecintaan dan kerinduanku

Dakaplah wahai dunia kesucian
Sehingga sentuhan kasihmu menemui perasaanku
Temanku adalah kebersihan dan kesucian
Pahlawan tentera ar Rahman

Dibawah naungan agama Islam aku hidup
Untuk menebus keislamanku yang nyaris sirna
Sehingga aku menjadi khalifah di dunia
Dan mengibarkan tinggi - tinggi panji Al Qur'an

(Noor Liza Abdul Rahman)
===== # + # =========


Good Bye To The Sad World
And welcome to the world of faith
broken bird wings
Will not dying of his wounds

O my heart sad behavior
The willingness that themselves have left me
Will fly me over to the earth of love
Because am a MUSLIM
Which roofted by faith

I am a Muslim and the title is enough for me
I am including the faith into the Islam army
Quran is a light
Islam is my love and longing

Hugging the world with purity
Up to touch feelings I find your love Ya Rabb
My friend is cleanliness and purity
Military heroes ar-Rahman

I live in the shadow of religion
To redeem my submission which almost brighten with light
Until I became caliph in this world
Flying higher and higher for the Greatest of Al-Qur'an

(Noor Liza Abdul Rahman)


Friday, September 3, 2010


Ya Allah Ku Memohon Padamu *  O Allah, I Beg To You                                   

Tersepit di antara dua cinta

* Caught between two love
Kau memberikan ku satu harapan
* You give me a hope
Kini kau menghancurkan segalanya
* Now you destroy everything
Dia antara kita
* She is among us

Inikah dugaan yang ku terima?

* Is this the fate that I’ve got?
Menyintai mu sepenuh jiwa
* For loving you whole hearted
Untuk bersama mu
* In order just to be with you
Kesabaran membakar fikiran
* The patience really been tested


Rinduku embunan di lautan
* The missing, I’ve felt just like the ocean dew    
Cintamu debunga berterbangan

* Your Love flying pollen
Tak pernah mempeduli kasih sayang
*The Love that you’ve never care
Yang aku korbankan
*I sacrificed for the sake of Love

Ku merelakan semua yang berlaku

*I accept what was happened
Kau mencintai dan menyakitiku
*You said love me but in the same time hurting me
Kini ku redha dengan segalanya
*Now I am pleased with everything
Tuhan yang menentu
*Lord of the certainty

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku

*O Allah My Lord
Teguhkan rasa cinta padamu Ya Allah
*Strengthened my love on you O Allah
Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku
*O Allah My Lord
Pinjamkan aku kekuatan darimu
*Lend me your strength

 Ya Allah, Ku Memohon Padamu

*O Allah, I beg to you    


Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Palestin itu jauh dari kita

Pada kita derita itu pada gagalnya peperiksaan
laparnya perut pada makanan
putusnya cinta pada kekasih pujaan
jauhnya ibu ayah dari dakapan
juga habisnya duit dalam bekalan

Pada mereka derita itu
Apabila rumah kediaman digesel trak
Harta benda serba serbi dirompak
maruah keluarga dipijak-pijak
anak bini dicincang oleh manusia tak berotak
tanah air Islam diinjak-injak

irama kita
adalah suara nyanyian yang merdu
                         atau muzik rock yang bingit melegakan
                         atau suara nasyid yang mendayu-dayu

irama mereka
bulddozer yang menghiasi setiap pagi
ketulan batu yang dicampak ke muka yahudi
Bom yang tak pernah sunyi berbunyi

sungguh sukar kita berada di tempat mereka
kita masih tak sanggup menerima ujian sedemikian mereka
berpisahnya kita dari keluarga cuma sementara
berpisahnya mereka dengan ayah,ibu, adik beradik adalah buat selama-lamanya

tanggisnya kita di dunia adalah kerana gagalnya kita dalam ujian
putusnya cinta atau geramnya pada manusia
tanggisnya mereka di dunia kerana tidak dapat membunuh musuh Allah
kerana gagalnya mereka menemui kesyahidan

Rindu kita hanya bauan pada keluarga tercinta
Pada kekayaan melimpa ruah
pada umur yang panjang
agar keluarga kita lebih makmur membahagiakan

Rindu mereka pada wangian syurga tertinggi…
pada syahid tanpa henti
pada perjumpaan teragung
dengan Ilahi tercinta…

Siapakah kita berbanding mereka?

(Nukilan * Muharikah * 25 May 06)

In our anguish at the failure of the examination

hungry stomach for the foods
severed in love/ heart broken with the love idol

mother & father away from the touch
the endless in supply of money

For them suffering is…
When their homes been rattle
Properties & belongings been robbed
The dignity of the family had been stepped

wives and children been chopped by brainless peoples
The Islamic homeland had been stepped by Jews

Our rhythm is a melodious singing voice
or the out loud rock music to relieve
or from the lovely singing voice of nasyeed
Their rhythm is the sound of rattle bulddozer which decorated every morning

pieces of rock thrown into the faces of Jews
The never quiet sounds of the bomb......
It is very hard.... very difficult for us to be in their place
And yet .....still we are not willing to accept such a test like them....

us… being apart from the family … only for a while
they…being apart from family are forever...forever

we cried ….. because of our failure in the test...failure in exam....
we cried ....... because of broken heart or angry to the people
They cried because unable to kill the enemies to Allah
They cried because if failed to meet ‘syahid’

Our missing only to the adorable family
Our missing only to the wealth
Our missing only to the long life
So that we can live happily ever after

Their missing is to the odor of highest Jannah
Their Missing is only to ‘Syahid’
Their missing is for the greatest meeting
Their missing is only to lovely ‘Rabb’

Look at our self
Who are we compare to Palestinian…………

(Courtesy : Muharikah : 25 May 06)                


Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ya Rabb

Ya Rabb
Tuhanku (Ya Allah),
Dalam termangu
Aku masih menyebut namamu

Biar susah sungguh
mengingat Kau penuh seluruh
Cahayamu panas suci
tinggal kerdip lilin di kelam sunyi

aku hilang bentuk

aku mengembara di negeri asing

di pintuMu aku mengetuk
aku tidak bisa berpaling

Ya Rabb
Lord (Ya Rabb, Ya Allah) of dazed,
I still call your name
Keep it very difficult considering the full of YOU (ALLAH)
Pure brightness of the hot wax kerdip live in a quiet dark
Lord (Ya Rabb, Ya Allah),
I lost the form of crushed
Lord (Ya Rabb, Ya Allah),
I am traveling in a foreign country
Lord (Ya Rabb, Ya Allah),
I knocked on your door... I can not turn back

Friday, July 23, 2010



Have you all heard about this film?
Well here are the synopsis of said film.


Amidst the wreckage beneath the ruined statue of the Buddha, thousands of families struggle to survive. Baktay, a six-year-old Afghan girl is challenged to go to school by her neighbour's son who reads in front of their cave. Having found the money to buy a precious notebook, and taking her mother's lipstick for a pencil, Baktay sets out. On her way, she is harassed by boys playing games that mimic the terrible violence they have witnessed, that has always surrounded them. The boys want to stone the little girl, to blow her up as the Taliban blew up the Buddha, to shoot her like Americans."
When I started thinking about why education is so important, I remembered my school years, the grounding years of anyone’s education. I went down memory lane to remember all my teachers, my school subjects, the study and the play! I never really hated school. But I have seen many who hate going to school; I have had some friends who did not like the idea of studying in classrooms. Many of you must have unwillingly entered your school gates.... But all of us know this dislike never lasts long. We soon start loving school and it is when it is time to leave school that we are in tears.... What is school life all about? It is all about laying the foundation of our education. It is a place to understand why education is so important and how important it is! It is an institution, where we learn to read and write. School transforms kids into literate individuals. It is where we get our basics cleared and at the point of leaving school, we are all set to soar high in life, enter the new world in pursuit of our dreams.

The first thing that strikes me about education is knowledge gain. Education gives us the knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a perspective of looking at life. It helps us build opinions and have points of view on everything in life. People debate over the subject of whether education is the only thing that gives knowledge. Some say, education is the process of gaining information about the surrounding world while knowledge is something very different. They are partly right. But the conversion of information to knowledge is possible because of education. Education makes us capable of interpreting rightly the things perceived. Education is not about lessons and poems in textbooks. It is about the lessons of life.

The words 'cultivate' and 'civilize' are almost synonymous to the word 'educate'. That says it! Education is important as it teaches us the right behavior, the good manners thus making us civilized. It teaches us how to lead our lives. Education is the basis of culture and civilization. It is instrumental in the development of our values and virtues. Education cultivates us into mature individuals, individuals capable of planning for our futures and taking the right decisions. Education arms us with an insight to look at our lives and learn from every experience. The future of a nation is safe in the hands of educated individuals. Education is important for the economic growth of a nation. It fosters principles of equality and socialism. Education forms a support system for talents to excel in life. It is the backbone of society.

Education is important because it equips us with all that is needed to make our dreams come true. Education opens doors of brilliant career opportunities. It fetches better prospects in career and growth. Every employer of today requires his prospective employees to be well educated. He requires expertise. So, education becomes an eligibility criterion for employment into any sector of the industry. We are rewarded for exercising the expertise required for the field we venture. We are weighed in the market on the basis of our educational skills and how well we can apply them.

Education is essential as it paves the path leading to disillusionment. It wipes out all the wrong beliefs in our minds. It helps create a clear picture of everything around us and we no more remain in confusion about the things we learn. Education brings up questions and also devises ways to find satisfactory answers to them. Education is about knowing that everything has a science to it, it is about learning to reason everything till every question meets its answer. Education can lead us to enlightenment. It is education that builds in every individual, a confidence to take decisions, to face life and to accept successes and failures. It instills a sense of pride about the knowledge one has and prepares him/her for life!

Schools and colleges define the basic framework of education. Schooling gives us the fundamentals whereas we specialize in fields of our interest, during the degree courses. But education does not end here. It is a lifelong process. Self-learning begins at the point that marks the end of institutional education. The process of self-learning continues.....

However, what make me really sad that the opportunities given for young muslims generations who don't want to grape this great opportunites who take for granted to enhance their education knowledge....

It's sadness to see most muslims prefered social life gathering (ex: clubbing, flirting, cheating, drugs, alcohol an so on which embrassing to reveal) rather than to adapt to get closer to beneficiant things. I'm not saying all the muslims behaviour like that but most of the muslims behaviour like to have fun by ignoring the education... in Arabic called 'LAGHO' = meaning wasting time.

Wake up all the muslims in the world .... without education muslims are nothings to the worlds..... and do bear in mind once education / knowledge concured make sure we are always remain the gentle behave gentle in ISLAM without prejudice behaviour appear.

Last but not least ..... All the good things come from ALLAH .... meanwhile, the wrong doing are come from human itself. Wallahuallam..


Wednesday, July 14, 2010


The Correct Islamic Ruling on the Muslim Woman’s Dress


The recent plans to introduce anti-hijab laws in France and Germany have thrown into the limelight once again, numerous discussions on the Islamic dress code for women. Many have asked, is the hijab an actual obligation in Islam or an issue of personal choice for the woman? Should the dress code take a specific form or is it the right of the woman to decide for herself what she considers as being modest attire?

There are a few Muslims that argue that the hijab or khimar (headcovering) is not an Islamic obligation commanded by the Islamic texts but rather a personal choice of the woman. They argue that it is sufficient for the woman to dress modestly according to her own opinion of what modesty entails. For example, Gammal Banna, an Egyptian author of several books on the rights of Muslim women and brother of the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood commented, “The head scarf is not an obligation, but derives from an erroneous reading of the Koran .. Wearing the headscarf or not is part of a debate on morals and not on religious obligations ... Whether a woman wears a scarf or a mini-skirt is a matter of individual liberty.” He also stated that he did not support the French President’s decision to ban the hijab because it interfered with the personal choice of the woman to wear a headscarf.

Such comments have been introduced in recent times by those whose lives have been afflicted by the western thoughts. Such misguided notions were noticeably absent throughout the glorious history of the Islam, over the past thousand years. The commands and prohibitions of Islam are contained in the texts of Islam, the Quran and Sunnah, and it is these that one should examine when seeking the rule of Allah (swt). It is clear that the covering of the hair in the presence of non-Mahrem men (those men the woman can marry) by the hijab or khimar is definitely an Islamic obligation (fard) commanded clearly by the Islamic texts. Allah(swt) says in Surah Nur,

“Let them draw their head-coverings (khumur) over their necks and chest” [TMQ An-Nur: 31].

The head-coverings (khumur) were worn by the women of Quraish in the time of the Prophet (saw). They used to cover their heads, and the cloth would run down their backs exposing their necks and chests. Hence the command to wear the head-covering specifies also how to cover (covering all the head, neck and chest).

In one hadith reported by Aisha (ra), she said that Asmaa bint Abu Bakr entered the quarters of the Messenger of Allah (saw) wearing thin clothes. The Messenger (saw) turned his face away and said, “Oh Asmaa, if the woman reaches puberty, it is not allowed to be seen from her except this and this”, and he pointed to his face and hands.

Fortunately, most Muslim women understand the hijab as an obligation but there is often confusion or misconceptions of what the hijab is, and what the dress code is for the woman in public life. So some may view the dupatta (the see-through scarf that accompanies the shalwar kameez) as sufficient even though the hair and neck can be seen. Some may place a loose scarf over their heads while some of their hair remains exposed. Some wear the bandanna, covering all the hair but exposing the ears and neck. Finally, there are those who may wear the hijab correctly and cover all their hair, neck and ears but accompany it with a T-shirt and tight jeans or above ankle skirt, exposing their arms, legs and showing the shape of their body.

In Islam, the rules pertaining to the covering of the woman both in private life and in the public arena are not a matter of personal interpretation according to the concept of modesty, personal choice, or personal opinion. Rather they are detailed and specific as with all the Ahkham (rules) of Islam. For example, Allah (swt) has not commanded the prayer and then left people to choose for themselves how to pray. Rather the actions in each and every prayer have been described and specified. Similarly, Allah (swt) has not ordered the woman to wear the hijab or khimar and then left it to personal preference as to its form. Rather the rules of the Islamic dress code for the woman have been described in detail. In such a matter, the Muslimah would follow the obligation to cover in the defined manner, the way she would follow the rules for prayer. The mind, and personal opinions have no part to play in the hijab, as they have no part to play in the prayer. Allah (swt) says,

“But no, by thy Lord, they can have no (real) faith until they make thee judge in all disputes between them, and find in their souls no resistance against thy decisions but accept them with the fullest of submission” [Al-Nisa: 65]

As clear in the ayah and hadith mentioned earlier, the adult Muslim woman should cover everything except her face and hands in the presence of all non-mahrem men (those to whom she can marry). The clothes should not be thin such that her skin can be seen, or tight such that the shape of her body can be seen. The whole body of the woman, including her neck and hair (even one hair), except for her face and hands are awrah (that which it is haram to reveal to any non-mahrem man). In Surah An-Nur, Allah (swt) says,

“And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts, etc.) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like palms of hands or one eye or both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron, etc.), and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms, etc.) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husband's sons, their brothers or their brother's sons, or their sister's sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e. their sisters in Islam), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful.” [An-Nur:31]

Ibn Abbas explained the words, “...beyond what may (decently) be apparent thereof” as referring to the face and hands.

In addition, when the woman leaves her home and enters the public arena, she has been commanded to wear the khimar (a head cover that covers the entire head, neck, and the chest) and the jilbab (a one piece outer dress that covers her indoor clothes and drapes down to the floor). It is not sufficient that she wears the khimar accompanied by a skirt and blouse or shirt and trousers. Allamah ibn Al Hazam writes,

"In the Arabic language of the Prophet, Jilbab is the outer sheet which covers the entire body. A piece of cloth which is too small to cover the entire body could not be called Jalbab." [Al Muhalla, vol. 3, p. 217]. If she leaves the home without these two pieces of clothing then she would be sinful for she has neglected a command from Allah (swt). The evidence for the jilbab is also clear. Allah (swt) says in Surah Al-Ahzab,

“Oh Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks (Jalabeeb) all over their bodies.” [Al-Ahzab:59]

In addition, in one hadith narrated by Umm Atiyya (ra), she said, “The Messenger of Allah (saw) ordered us to bring out the young women, the menstruating women and veiled women for the two Eid festivals. The menstruating women were to keep away from prayer, yet witnessing the goodness and the dawa (address) to the Muslims. I asked, ‘O Messenger of Allah, what about the one who does not have a Jilbab?’. He said, ‘Let her use the Jilbab of her sister.’” The Prophet (saw) maintained the insistence that the women wear the jilbab even if she did not possess one, i.e. she would have to borrow one.

A Muslim woman should not imitate the western woman who uses her own mind to decide what to wear, and what is appropriate to be seen in. Aisha (ra) is narrated as having said to some women from the tribe of the Bani Tamim who were wearing dresses made of thin material when they were visiting her, "If you are mumin (true believers) this is not the type of dress suitable for mumin women. But if you are not mumin, then do as you please."

Muslim women of today should take guidance from the Muslim women of the past who were praised by the Messenger (saw) and gained the Pleasure of Allah (swt). When the verses for covering were revealed they responded immediately without a second of delay by covering their awrah with whatever they could find of material. Safiyyah, daughter of Shaybah, said that Aisha (ra) mentioned the women of Ansar, praised them and said good words about them. She then said, “When Surat an-Nur came down, they took the curtains, tore them and made head covers (veils) of them.” (Sunan Abu Dawud).

Hence the hijab is much more than covering modestly, or following traditional or contemporary customs and practices. It is an Islamic obligation that has precise rules, and needs to be fulfilled in the manner that Islam has prescribed.

Veiled Lady's Words

Veiled Lady's Words


You look at me and call me oppressed,
Simply because of the way I'm dressed,
You know me not for what's inside,
You judge the clothing I wear with pride

My body's not for your eyes to hold,
You must speak to my mind, not my feminine mold,
I'm an individual, I'm no mans slave,
It's Allahs pleasure that I only crave

I have a voice so I will be heard,
For in my heart I carry His word,
"O ye women, wrap close your cloak,
So you won't be bothered by ignorant folk"

Man doesn't tell me to dress this way,
It's a Law from God that I obey,
Oppressed is something I'm truly NOT,
For liberation is what I've got

It was given to me many years ago,
With the right to prosper, the right to grow
I can climb moutains or cross the seas,
Expand my mind in all degrees

For God (ALLAH) Himself gave us LIB-ER-TY
When He sent Islam,
To You and Me...

Friday, June 18, 2010


“ LOVE ” ...

  • U can give that ...........
  • U can have that ...........
  • U can share that with anybody .......
but with

“ TIME ” …

  • U can't stop it or control it ....
  • U can never bring back the ‘Time’ that has gone by ...

So spend your “ TIME ” wisely and cherish it while U still have it .!.!.!.
Spend “ TIME” with your “ LOVED ” ones

U never know when your “ TIME ” will be over .!.!.!.

Friday, June 11, 2010

1ST REJAB 1431 = 14TH JUNE 2010


Sabda Nabi s.a.w.: Hendaklah kamu memuliakan bulan Rejab,

nescaya Allah muliakan kamu dengan seribu kemuliaan di hari

kiamat. Sabda Nabi s.a.w.: Bulan Rejab Bulan Allah, Bulan

Sya'aban bulanku & bulan Ramadhan bulan umatku.

Kemuliaan Rejab dengan malam ISRAK MIKRAJnya, Sya'aban

dengan malam NISFUnya Ramadhan dengan LAILATUL-QADARnya.
Malam awal Rejab mustajab do'anya.

(Dalam Kitab Raudhoh Iman Nawawi)

* Puasa sehari pada bulan Rejab mendapat syurga tertinggi (Firdaus).

* Puasa dua hari dilipatgandakan pahalanya.

* Puasa tiga hari pada bulan Rejab dijadikan parit yang panjang, yang menghalangkan dia keneraka (panjangnya setahun perjalanan).

* Puasa empat hari pada bulan Rejab diafiatkan daripada bala dan daripada penyakit yang besar-besar dan daripada fitnah Dajal di hari kiamat.

* Puasa lima hari pada bulan Rejab, aman daripada azab kubur.

* Puasa enam hari pada bulan Rejab, keluar kubur bercahaya muka.

* Puasa tujuh hari pada bulan Rejab, ditutup daripada tujuh pintu neraka.

* Puasa lapan hari pada bulan Rejab, dibuka baginya lapan pintu syurga.

* Puasa sembilan hari pada bulan Rejab keluar dari kuburnya lalu, MENGUCAP DUA KALIMAH SHAHADAH tidak ditolak dia masuk syurga.

* Puasa 10 hari pada bulan Rejab Allah jadikan baginya hamparan perhentian di Titi Sirotolmustaqim pada tiap-tiap satu batu di hari kiamat.

* Puasa 16 belas hari pada bulan Rejab akan dapat melihat wajah Allah di dalam syurga dan orang yang pertama menziarahi Allah di dalam syurga.

* Puasa 19 belas hari pada bulan Rejab, dibina baginya sebuah mahligai di hadapan mahligai Nabi Allah Ibrahim a.s dan Nabi Allah Adam a.s.

* Puasa 20 hari pada bulan Rejab, diampunkan segala dosanya yang telah lalu. Maka mulailah beramal barang yang tinggi daripada umurnya (pembaharuan umur). Berkata Saidina Ali:

* Puasa Rejab 13 hari seperti puasa tiga ribu tahun.

* Puasa Rejab 14 hari seperti puasa sepuluh ribu tahun.

* Puasa Rejab 15 hari seperti puasa seratus ribu tahun.

Kelebihan bulan Rejab dari segala bulan seperti kelebihan Qur'an atas segala Qalam. Puasa sehari pada bulan Rejab seperti puasa empat puluh tahun dan diberi minum air dari Syurga. Puasa 10 hari pada bulan Rejab dijadikan dua sayap, terbang seperti kilat di atas Titi Sirotalmustaqim di hari kiamat. Puasa sehari pada bulan Rejab seperti mengerjakan ibadat seumurnya. Puasa pada awal Rejab, pertengahannya dan akhirnya seperti puasa sebulan pahalanya.

Bulan Rejab Syahrullah (Bulan Allah), diampunkan dosa orang-orang yang meminta ampun dan bertaubat kepada Allah. Puasa Bulan Rejab wajib baginya:

* Diampunkan dosanya yang lalu.

* Dipeliharakan Allah umurnya yang tinggal.

* Terlepas dari dahaga di hari kiamat.

Orang yang lemah dari berpuasa pada bulan Rejab hendaklah bersedekah tiap-tiap hari sekurang-kurangnya sebiji roti. Sasiapa bersedekah pada bulan Rejab seperti sedekah seribu dinar, dituliskan kepadanya tiap sehelai bulu ruma jasadnya seribu kebajikan, diangkat seribu darjat, dihapus seribu kejahatan.

Tiap sehari puasanya pada bulan Rejab dan sedekahnya pada bulan Rejab seperti ibadat seribu Haji dan Umrah. Dibina mahligai seribu bilik dan seribu bidadari, lebih cantik daripada atahari seribu kali.

Bulan Rejab bulan Allah. Bersedekah pada bulan Rejab dijauhkan Allah daripada api neraka kerana kemuliaan bulan Rejab, Bulan Allah. Allah jadikan di belakang bukit Jabal Qar bumi, yang putih yang penuh dengan Malaikat dengan panji-panji berhimpun pada tiap malam Rejab meminta ampun oleh mereka kepada Umat Muhammad. Allah menjawap: Telah aku ampunkan mereka! Barangsiapa meminta ampun (bersitighfar) kepada Allah pagi dan petang 70 kali atau 100 kali, pada bulan Rejab di haramkan tubuhnya daripada api neraka.

Sesiapa berpuasa sebulan pada bulan Rejab, Allah berseru kepadanya: "Telah wajib hakmu atasKu, maka mintalah olehmu kepadaKu. Demi ketinggian Ku dankebesaranKu, tidak Aku tolakkan hajatmu. Engkau adalah jiranKu dibawah `arasyKu, engkau kekasihKu daripada segala makhlukKu, engkau terlebih mulia atasKu. Sukakanlah kamu, tiada dinding antaraKu dan antarakau".(dari kitabRaudatul Ifkar)

Puasa pada 27 bulan Rejab seperti berpuasa enam puluh bulan pahalanya. Jika disertai dengan sedekah seperti puasa seribu tahun, kerana kebesaran hari ISRAK-MIKRAJ.

Siapa melapangkan kekeruhan, kesusahan, kesempitan orang mukmin pada bulan Rejab dikurniakan Allah kepadanya Mahligai yang besar di dalam syurga Firdaus.

Siapa berpuasa tiga hari pada bulan Rejab dan beribadat pada malamnya (berjaga), seperti dia berpuasa tiga ribu tahun. Diampunkan baginya 70 dosa-dosa besar tiap-tiap hari, ditunaikan 70 hajat ketika keluar nyawanya daripada jasadnya, 70 hajatnya di dalam kuburnya, 70 hajat ketika terbang suhuf (ketika Qur'an dinaik ketika berlalu di Titi Sirotalmustaqim.

Rejab ertinya ta'zim (kebesaran, keagungan, kemuliaan). (Rahmat, pemurah, kebajikan). Kerana kebesaran, keagungan dan kemuliaan bulan Rejab itu maka Allah limpahkan rahmatNya, kemurahanNya dan terhadap hamba-hambaNya yang beriman dan beramal solih pada bulan Rejab, dengan berpuasa pada siangnya dan beribadat pada malamnya.

Demikianlah peri keistimewaannya keagungan bulan Rejab itu yang dinamakan dengan BULAN ALLAH.

REJAB bulan menabur benih.

SYA'ABAN bulan menyiram tanaman.

RAMADHAN bulan menuai.

REJAB menyucikan badannya.

SYA'ABAN menyucikan hatinya.

RAMADHAN menyucikan rohnya.

REJAB bulan taubat.

SYA'ABAN bulan muhibbah.

RAMADHAN dilimpahi pahala amalan.

bersama kita merebut peluang, smoga kita diantara insan terpilih memperolehi nikmat dari hidayahNYA..


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Liza's Pictures

Me &Henna Woman                          

Hiba, Me, Henna & Oukhti Fadzilah

Henna on my hand

Me at Queensbay

Me & Aesmah

Me & Firdaus (Nephew)
Me in Office
Me in Abaya                                                                                                 
Me In Moroccan Traditional Clothes