Did you know this about Libya?
Some other facts (that mainstream media will never disclose) about Gaddafi and Libya:
- Loans to Libyan citizens are given with NO interest.
- Students would get paid the average salary for the profession they are studying
- If you are unable to get employment the state would pay the full salary as if you
were employed until you find employment.
- When you get married the couple gets an apartment or house for free from the
- You could go to college anywhere in the world. The state pays 2,500 euros plus
accommodation and car allowance.
- The cars are sold at factory cost.
- Libya does not owe money, (not a cent) to anyone. No creditors.
- Free education and health care for all citizens.
- 25% of the population with a university degree.
- No beggars on the streets and nobody is homeless (until the recent bombing).
- Bread costs only $0.15 per loaf.
No wonder the US and other capitalist countries do not like Libya. Gaddafi would not consent to taking loans from IMF or World Bank at high interest rates. In other words Libya was INDEPENDENT! That is the real reason for the war in Libya! He may be a dictator, but that is not the US problem. Also Gaddafi called on all Oil producing countries NOT to accept payment for oil in USD or Euros. He recommended that oil get paid for in GOLD and that would have bankrupted just about every Western Country as most of them do not have gold reserves to match the rate at which they print their useless currencies.
Remember the last time someone had the “NERVE” to make a similar statement was when Saddam Hoosein advised all Opec countries not to accept payment for oil in US Dollars. Well, we all know what happened to him . Yes, they HUNG HIM.
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Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Beribu Sesalan / Thousands of regret
Thousands of regret
I chug down tonight
None star-spangled… starry silence
And also moonlight disappears
ln dark … lonely
Searching for the wind blowing
Always whispering song of love
Muffled silently
failed to find your voice
My love… am in the deep of winding streets
At the time I need you
Meantime, everything …….. all about you are closed
Here I was sobbing
Here am mournful…..mourning
Gone loves
Accompanied by the grief
Again breaches of promises
Again and again…….. breaches of promises.
Breaches of promises.
In vain……..
Loved you......
Loyal to you...
Trusted you...
Tightened chest
Heart cracked
Wounded soul
Sadly sliced
Kekasihku di jalanan yang berliku
Di saat ku perlukanmu
Tertutup jua segalanya terhadapmu
Di sini ku tersedu-sedu
Setelah cinta pergi
Ku mengusung duka ini diiringi
Kisah janji dimungkiri lagi
Kekasihku di jalanan yang berliku
Di saat ku perlukanmu
Tertutup jua segalanya terhadapmu
Di sini ku tersedu-sedu
Setelah cinta pergi
Ku mengusung duka ini
Kisah janji
Sia-sia ku
Setia padamu
Sebak dadaku
Retak hatiku
Luka jiwaku
Dihiris pilu
Setia padamu
Sebak dadaku
Retak hatiku
Luka jiwaku
Dihiris pilu
Beribu sesalanku
Noor Liza Abd Rahman
I chug down tonight
None star-spangled… starry silence
And also moonlight disappears
ln dark … lonely
Searching for the wind blowing
Always whispering song of love
Muffled silently
failed to find your voice
My love… am in the deep of winding streets
At the time I need you
Meantime, everything …….. all about you are closed
Here I was sobbing
Here am mournful…..mourning
Gone loves
Accompanied by the grief
Again breaches of promises
Again and again…….. breaches of promises.
Breaches of promises.
In vain……..
Loved you......
Loyal to you...
Trusted you...
Tightened chest
Heart cracked
Wounded soul
Sadly sliced
Thousands of regret……………
Beribu Sesalan
Ku susuri malam ini
Yang tidak berbintang sunyi sepi
Juga rembulan dah menghilang
Dalam kelam ku sendiri
Ku mencari hembus bayu
Yang selalu berbisik madah rindu
Kini membisu dalam sayu
Tidak ku temu suaramu
Kekasihku di jalanan yang berliku
Di saat ku perlukanmu
Tertutup jua segalanya terhadapmu
Di sini ku tersedu-sedu
Setelah cinta pergi
Ku mengusung duka ini diiringi
Kisah janji dimungkiri lagi
Kekasihku di jalanan yang berliku
Di saat ku perlukanmu
Tertutup jua segalanya terhadapmu
Di sini ku tersedu-sedu
Setelah cinta pergi
Ku mengusung duka ini
Kisah janji
Sia-sia ku
Setia padamu
Sebak dadaku
Retak hatiku
Luka jiwaku
Dihiris pilu
Setia padamu
Sebak dadaku
Retak hatiku
Luka jiwaku
Dihiris pilu
Beribu sesalanku
Noor Liza Abd Rahman
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
14th June 2011
Hadiah untuk jiwa yang bersedih...
Assalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarokatuh....
Tersenyum dan lupakan semua gundah dihati...Mencintailah dalam hening dalam DIAM
Tak perlu kau Lari
Tak perlu kau Hindari
Jangan kau sikapi dengan berlebihan
Jangan kau umbar rasa mu
Jangan kau tumpahkan segala suka mu
Sedarilah gadis.. firtah kita sebagai wanita adalah " PEMALU "
Kau indah kerana sifat MALU mu
Lalu.. masihkah kau kelihatan menawan jika rasa malu itu telah di nafikan,..???
Jangan berselimut dengan airmata kerana semuanya telah berlalu.. jika pun merasa bersalah mohon ampun dengan segera kerana tugas kita bukan untuk menyesali dan menagis.. setiap ujian akan membuatmu tampak dewasa dalam memaknai kehidupan ini.. tak ada resepi untuk wujudkan kejayaaan, sebab KEJAYAAN adalah hasil dari persiapan, kerja keras... dan kesediaan belajar dari KESALAHAN..
ALLAH sangat menyayangi AKU,.. kita semuanya
Syukur . . syukur . . . .Syukur ya Allah . . . . .
Noor Liza Abd Rahman
Hadiah untuk jiwa yang bersedih...
Assalamu'alaikum warrahmatullahi wabarokatuh....
Tersenyum dan lupakan semua gundah dihati...Mencintailah dalam hening dalam DIAM
Tak perlu kau Lari
Tak perlu kau Hindari
Jangan kau sikapi dengan berlebihan
Jangan kau umbar rasa mu
Jangan kau tumpahkan segala suka mu
Sedarilah gadis.. firtah kita sebagai wanita adalah " PEMALU "
Kau indah kerana sifat MALU mu
Lalu.. masihkah kau kelihatan menawan jika rasa malu itu telah di nafikan,..???
Jangan berselimut dengan airmata kerana semuanya telah berlalu.. jika pun merasa bersalah mohon ampun dengan segera kerana tugas kita bukan untuk menyesali dan menagis.. setiap ujian akan membuatmu tampak dewasa dalam memaknai kehidupan ini.. tak ada resepi untuk wujudkan kejayaaan, sebab KEJAYAAN adalah hasil dari persiapan, kerja keras... dan kesediaan belajar dari KESALAHAN..
ALLAH sangat menyayangi AKU,.. kita semuanya
Syukur . . syukur . . . .Syukur ya Allah . . . . .
Noor Liza Abd Rahman
Monday, June 13, 2011
The Urgency of Personal Change
We live in an era in which the world is mired in great challenges. It is no longer possible to ignore the turmoil that surrounds us, be it the instability in many countries or the problems associated with the millions struggling to make a living. Whatever be the reasons that led the world to this stage, it’s clear that a change is essential to get out from this chaos.
Our personal lives are not immune from this turmoil. Many times we all seek to correct the course of our lives to maximize our share of worldly and spiritual fulfillment. Whether its to inculcate better Islamic habits or others related to secular aspects of our lives, the process of personal change provides us with an opportunity to improve ourselves.
The ability to come out of this state – to change – also gives us hope for a better future. Fortunately, we live during times where good advice surrounds us. The Internet and its support structure have provided us with a way to gain instant access to stores of knowledge and words of wisdom. The problem, however, has been that our pace of change hasn’t kept up with what we learn from this knowledge. You see, there comes a point in our lives where we need to go beyond learning and to eventually change and start living that wisdom.
Bringing lasting personal change however, isn’t that easy and many of us give up trying. But since change is important to get us out of our current states, we simply can’t quit. So, the struggle must go on until we find a way to overcome barriers to personal change.
We may wonder about why we fail to change? For those of us who have attempted to change with not much to show for, the process can be frustrating. Understanding reasons that lead to this failure can help us overcome these obstacles. Let’s review those below.
Desensitization to time
Procrastination is known to be one of the biggest hurdles to change. Psychologists refer to procrastination as “the act of replacing high-priority actions with tasks of low-priority, and thus putting off important tasks to a later time.” Whether one procrastinates in worldly or spiritual matters, it has its consequences. Procrastinators falsely assume that time will be available in the future, which may not be true. For example, we see that in the Quran Allah mentions numerous nations who were given time to heed to His message and change. The ones who didn’t were suddenly taken by surprise at their appointed time. In the Chapter of Al-Anaam (verse 44), Allah says, “So, when they forgot (the warning) with which they had been reminded, We opened for them the gates of every (pleasant) thing, until in the midst of their enjoyment in that which they were given, all of a sudden, We took them (in punishment), and lo! They were plunged into destruction with deep regrets and sorrows." while they will bear their burdens on their backs; and evil indeed are the burdens that they will bear! ”
The message above couldn’t be clearer. Allah gives us the time to reform ourselves. When we postpone indefinitely, we shouldn’t be surprised if our conditions worsen. Allah says in the Quran, “Verily, We sent (Messengers) to many nations before you (O Muhammad). And We seized them with extreme poverty (or loss in wealth) and loss in health (with calamities) so that they might humble themselves (believe with humility).” (Chapter #6, Verse #42)
We should, therefore, urgently start facing up to our spiritual and worldly imperfections which may be manifesting as sins. Accordingly, we need to make the connection between those imperfections and our undesirable conditions. Remember, the price of putting off change can come in the form of tough times and future regrets. Let’s not procrastinate until tomorrow because even if we had the extra time, tomorrow could bring additional challenges thus increasing the load of our burdens.
Desensitization to falsehood and imperfections
Change of any type first requires clearly identifying and recognizing the negative behavior, habit, thought, or belief. However, when one gets desensitized to such imperfections, the need for such a change is no longer felt. The “negatives” become part of our existence and we become complacent about them. For example, many amongst Muslims pray Fajar prayers after the prescribed time (or miss it altogether) and no longer see it as a sin or feel the impulse to correct such a behavior.
Today, we live in trying times where guidelines driven by personal interests rather than based on divine teachings are being used to decide the lawful (halal) and the unlawful (haram). This is slowly blurring the dividing lines between falsehood and truth. As a direct consequence, though unknown to many of us (including Muslims), we have slowly begun to be more accepting of wrong behaviors leading to devastating consequences. This is similar to the boiling water and frog analogy, which states that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out. However, if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will fail to feel the change and thus will never jump out, dying in the process.
This loss of our sense to distinguish between falsehood and truth makes Shaytan sneak into our lives, further hindering our efforts to improve. Allah says in the Quran, "And whosoever turns away blindly from the remembrance of the Most Gracious (Alláh) (i.e., this Qurán and worship of Alláh), We appoint for him a Shaitán (Satan/devil) to be a Qarin (a companion) to him. And verily, they (Satans/devils) hinder them from the path (of Alláh), but they think that they are guided aright!" (43:36,37).
Islamic teachings thus warn us against getting into such traps and instead instruct us to never lose sight of the distinction between right and wrong. Just because we chose to ignore rectifying the wrong to suit our situations doesn’t transform wrong into right. By maintaining that distinction we can still expect to rectify it someday.
Commitment to change is essential for any major change of attitude to take place in the long run. Research has proved that things such as “will power” can take us only so far and for so long. We need a more stable “inner resource” to sustain our change efforts for the long run.
One way to ensure that you stay committed to any change effort is to clearly define the outcome that you envision from that change. Envisioning the outcome for a change is quite different from simply having the desire to change. Although desires may provide the emotional fuel behind our change efforts, they don’t manifest the underlying complexities to drive an actual change process. Outcomes from the intended change must therefore be envisioned clearly, e.g. the new person that you will become after you give up a certain negative behavior, to ensure continued commitment levels.
Take the example of the prophet’s commitment when he started propagating the Islamic message during the early days of Islam. When the prophet’s uncle warned him of the risks of doing so, he clearly stated, “O my uncle, by Allah, if they put the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left in return for my giving up this cause, I would not give it up until Allah makes Truth victorious, or I die in His service.” It was that kind of a commitment that kept him going for the rest of his life and to bring about the change that he did.
To motivate us to do good deeds and to put our temporary stay in this life in perspective, Allah and His prophet have very clearly defined the outcomes of our actions in this life and the hereafter. The detailed account they have provided us about our stay in this world and after we take the last breath, show us a clear path from now until our final destination. For us to make any change therefore, we should commit ourselves and clearly envision the outcome that we expect from our change.
Lack of a personal change system
Islam constitutes a system of obligatory ibadat such as prayers, fasting, etc., that helps a Muslim adhere to a discipline of maintaining his or her relationship with Allah. No one would disagree that if such ibadat were instead optional, most of us wouldn’t be able to maintain our current levels of spirituality. So, just as methodical and disciplined systems help us perform effectively in both our spiritual and worldly matters, instituting a methodical “personal change system” is equally important to help us follow through on the changes that we want to make in our lives. Such a system will help us to make, track, and sustain changes throughout our lives.
Parting words
Finally, let’s remember that to seek a change in our conditions we must do things differently from the way that initially led to where we stand today. So, the road from misery to fulfillment, from good to great, and from Allah’s displeasure to seeking His pleasure starts with you getting on the process of change. As Allah says in the Quran: “Verily, Allah will not change the condition of a people as long as they do not change their state themselves” [al-Raa’d 13:11].
Points to ponder:
What in your opinion are other barriers to change, especially when we know the truth. What can be done to overcome such barriers? Share your thoughts below.
– End
Courtesy : Iqrasense
(Noor Liza Abdul Rahman)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Niat Ikhlas Bezakan Amalan Manusia
[01 Jamadilawwal 1432H.] -
Ketulusan hati benteng godaan syaitan, dapat mendekatkan diri dengan Allah
BERMUSAFIR di negara orang baru-baru ini, banyak pengalaman untuk dikongsikan bersama sahabat.
Kata pepatah, jauh perjalanan, luas pengetahuan. Tidak pernah terfikir untuk saya bermusafir hampir seluruh negara ASEAN, begitu hebat dan cukup indah kebesaran ciptaan Allah.
Walaupun berbeza dari segi bahasa, budaya dan warna kulit, kita tetap sujud pada kiblat yang sama. Perasaan saya tersentuh melihat suasana saudara seagama di Kemboja, ketika berpeluang melawat mereka di sana.
Kata seorang pelajar di sekolah agama di Kemboja, mereka makan nasi sekali sehari berlaukkan kuah saja. Mereka tidak pernah menikmati lauk yang enak.
Berat mata memandang, berat lagi bahu yang memikul. Bersyukurlah kita berada di bumi Malaysia, segala kesenangan dan nikmat kita kecapi cuma tinggal tangan menadah memanjat kesyukuran kepada Ilahi.
Berbeza di Singapura, masyarakat di sana saling menghormati antara agama. Banyak tokong Buddha bersebelahan masjid dan saya difahamkan setiap kali ada majlis jamuan, masing-masing akan mengundang jirannya, baik yang Islam atau penganut Buddha.
Teringat saya sejarah Rasulullah SAW, sahabat memilih agama Islam disebabkan keperibadian dan akhlak Baginda, keikhlasan membawa agama, kejujuran dan kasih sayang menjadikan Rasulullah insan disayangi manusia.
Sepanjang bermusafir, saya sempat menghabiskan sebuah novel berjudul Hati Sebening Mata Air, hasil tulisan Amru Khalid. Buku itu membicarakan mengenai keikhlasan dalam kehidupan seharian dan ia membuat air mata saya mengalir.
Terkenang setiap perbuatan saya, ikhlaskah saya selama ini melakukan kebaikan dan ibadah kepada Allah? Adakah kita ikhlas bekerja mencari rezeki halal kerana Allah? Tidak timbulkah penyakit hati, benci, dendam atau tertekan?
Hadis diriwayatkan oleh Ibnu Majah, ertinya: “Allah tidak menerima amalan, melainkan amalan yang ikhlas dan kerana mencari keredaan Allah.”
Islam memberi penekanan kepada tuntutan menetapkan niat dalam setiap amalan manusia kerana setiap amalan bergantung kepada niat. Ribuan orang pergi ke Makkah dan Madinah dengan pelbagai tujuan.
Ada yang niatnya kerana Allah dan ada pula niatnya mencari penghidupan dunia. Niat itulah yang membezakan antara muhajir (orang yang berpindah) dan musafir (orang yang berjalan-jalan) sekalipun kedua-dua pekerjaan itu sama.
Sukar untuk kita menjadi hamba yang ikhlas dalam segala amalan, kerana keikhlasan membabitkan hati. Tidak ada sebarang alat atau kaedah yang mampu menguasai hati manusia. Hati itu milik Tuhan, bukan milik kita dan Allah saja yang mampu menguasai hati manusia.
Ikhlas adalah rahsia Allah dengan hamba-Nya. Malaikat yang hampir kepada Allah pun tidak mengetahui rahsia ikhlas manusia, malah syaitan tidak dapat mencuri maklumat mengenai rahsia keikhlasan. Syaitan juga susah dan takut hendak mendekati orang yang mencari keredaan Allah.
Firman Allah yang bermaksud: “Iblis berkata: Ya Tuhanku, berilah aku ketangguhan sehingga hari manusia dibangkitkan. Allah berfirman: Sesungguhnya kamu termasuk yang diberi tangguh sehingga hari yang telah ditentukan waktunya. Iblis menjawab: Demi kekuasaan Engkau aku akan menyesatkan mereka semuanya kecuali hamba-Mu yang ikhlas di antara mereka.” – (Surah Shad, ayat 79-80)
38:79 (Iblis) said: "O my Lord! Give me then respite till the Day the (dead) are raised."
Qala rabbi faanthirneeila yawmi yubAAathoona
38:80 (Allah) said: "Respite then is granted thee-
Qala fa-innaka mina almunthareena
Justeru, hendaklah diniatkan apa yang kita lakukan kerana ingin Allah menyayangi kita. Keikhlasan seseorang itu pasti ada kebahagiaan menantinya, yang menentukan kebahagiaan adalah hati. Hidup tiada makna jika tiada istilah ikhlas dan kasih sayang daripada Allah.
Kerana kasih-Nya kita dilahirkan, maka kerana kasih-Nya juga kita hidup dan kerana kasih-Nya juga kita akan berada di syurga nanti. Ada kala, sebagai manusia selalu terlepas pandang benda yang kecil tetapi sebenarnya ia memberi impak besar dalam kehidupan.
Contohnya, selalu bersangka buruk pada insan lain, hati membenci sesama kita. Cepat melihat kesalahan kawan. Ikhlas saja tidak cukup untuk menjadikan sesuatu kerja itu sebagai ibadah kerana ada syarat lain mesti dipenuhi untuk menjadikan pekerjaan itu ibadah kepada Allah.
Courtesy from;
Hizbur Rahman
(Penulis ialah naib juara program Imam Muda terbitan Astro Oasis)
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
MATI itu pasti menjemput manusia!
Nabi Muhammad sendiri menasihatkan para sahabat supaya sentiasa mengingati mati.
Kita perlu yakin ada kehidupan kedua selepas kematian yang membuatkan kita sentiasa berusaha menyiapkan diri sebaik mungkin untuk menghadapinya.
Kematian sememangnya amat 'PERKASA' sehinggakan seorang raja yang paling berkuasa sekalipun tidak terlepas daripada kematian jika tiba ketikanya.
Kematian juga bukan titik akhir bagi kehidupan tetapi ia satu perpindahan di mana bagi seorgang yang banyak melakukan kebaikan ketika hayatnya kematian adalah pintu gerbang untuk memasuki hidup baru yang lebih indah.
Ramai yang melihat mati sebagai malapetaka yang merampas nikmat hidup lalu mereka memilih jalan hidup dengan berhibur sebelum tiba saat kematian.
Ada yang mengatakan selagi masih hidup inilah untuk mencuba semua perkara termasuk perkara mungkar. Ada juga golongan yang Allah kurniakan memiliki usia yang panjang. Namun pada pandangan Islam, hidup yang makmur dan berjaya adalah apabila orang itu cemerlang dalam ibadah, peribadi dan keluarga, hidup bermasyarakat, ilmu dan harta.
Itulah sebabnya orang Islam yang berumur panjang tetapi tidak produktif ketika hayatnya sama seperti orang berumur pendek.
Terdapat sebuah kisah cucu kesembilan Nabi Muhammad Sallahhualaihisalam yang bernama Ai Al-Hadi dimana pada satu hari, beliau melawat seorang yang sakit tenat.
Raut wajah pesakit itu jelas menunjukkan kegelisahannya. Ai Al-Hadi berkata kepadanya, "Sebenarnya saudara kurang jelas dengan kelebihan kematian, lalu berasa takut dengannya",
"Beritahu saya, apabila ada kotoran melekat di badan sehingga saudara berasa tidak selesa, apa tindakan saudara seterusnya? Adakah saudara akan mandi atau pun biarkan saja? Pesakit itu menjawab, "lebih baik saya mandi dan bersihkan diri".
Ali Al-Hadi berkata, "ketahuilah, kematian itu seperti bilik mandi". Itu peluang terakhir kita membersihkan diri bagi menghilangkan segala kekotoran dan keburukan.
"Apabila kematian menjemput saudara sekarang saudara pasti bebas daripada semua derita dan kepedihan. Saudara akan bahagia selama-lamanya selepas ini".
Selepas mendengar penjelasan Ali Al-Hadi itu, pesakit berkenaan berubah menjadi ceria di mana wajahnya yang gelisah menjadi damai.
Kemudian dia menutup mata dengan tenang, menyerah diri kepada kematian sambil mengharap kasih sayang Allah.
Justeru, selagi kita bernafas, Allah sentiasa membuka peluang seluas-luasnya kepada kita untuk menyucikan diri.
Peluang itu wujud dalam bentuk taubat bersungguh-sungguh dengan menyesali perbuatan buruk dan berazam memperbaiki diri.
Nabi Muhammad mengajar kepada kita satu doa:
"Ya Allah, aku memohon kepada-Mu keampunan atas dosa-dosa yang aku sedari dan dosa-dosa yang tidak ku sedari, dosa-dosa yang aku ketahui serta yang tidak ku ketahui".
YHadapi Ajal Dengan Senyuman Y
YSentiasa lah Mengingati KematianY
YItu lah Indahnya Kematian Y
Noor Liza Abd Rahman
Dunia ibarat kertas lembayung
The world is like crimson sheet
العالم هو مثل ورقة قرمزي.
Manusia adalah pelakon utamanya
Humans are the main actors
البشر هي الجهات الفاعلة الرئيسية

Malaikat pula jurugambarnya
Angels are the photographersالملائكة هي المصورين
Islam itu jalan ceritanya
Islam is the story
الإسلام هو قصة

Kiamat itu kesudahan pengambaran
It’s the end of film shooting for resurrection
انها نهاية الفيلم لاطلاق النار القيامة
Padang Mashyar adalah tempat penganugerahan
Mashyar field is where the place of neither winning nor looser giving award
الحكم الحقل حيث لا مكان ولا الفوز منح جائزة الخسران

Rasullullah adalah penerima anugerah terbaik
The best recipient award goes to Prophet
جائزة أفضل المتلقي يذهب إلى النبي
Allah Subhanataangla adalah hakimnya
Whereby God (ALLAH) is the Judge
حيث الله هو القاضي
Sementara itu, SYURGA Dan NERAKA adalah trophi nya
Meanwhile, HEAVEN and HELL is the trophy
وفي الوقت نفسه ، الجنة والجحيم هي الكأس

Noor Liza Abd Rahman
نور ليزا عبد الرحمن
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.
All praise and thanks are due to Allah, and peace and blessings be upon His Messenger.
First of all, we’d like to shed light on the origin of this festival, known as "Valentine Day" or "Festival of Love":
The Festival of Love was one of the festivals of the pagan Romans, when paganism was the prevalent religion of the Romans more than seventeen centuries ago. In the pagan Roman concept, it was an expression of "spiritual love".
There were myths associated with this pagan festival of the Romans, which persisted with their Christian heirs. Among the most famous of these myths was the Roman belief that Romulus, the founder of Rome, was suckled one day by a she-wolf, which gave him strength and wisdom.
The Romans used to celebrate this event in mid-February each year with a big festival.
One of the rituals of this festival was the sacrifice of a dog and a goat. Two strong and muscular youths would daub the blood of the dog and goat onto their bodies, then they would wash the blood away with milk. After that there would be a great parade, with these two youths at its head, which would go about the streets. The two youths would have pieces of leather with which they would hit everyone who crossed their path. The Roman women would welcome these blows, because they believed that they could prevent or cure infertility.
The connection between Saint Valentine and this festival:
Saint Valentine is a name which is given to two of the ancient "martyrs" of the Christian Church. It was said that there were two of them, or that there was only one, who died in Rome as the result of the persecution of the Gothic leader Claudius, c. 296 CE. In 350 CE, a church was built in Rome on the site of the place where he died, to perpetuate his memory.
When the Romans embraced Christianity, they continued to celebrate the Feast of Love mentioned above, but they changed it from the pagan concept of "spiritual love" to another concept known as the "martyrs of love", represented by Saint Valentine who had advocated love and peace, for which cause he was martyred, according to their claims. It was also called the Feast of Lovers, and Saint Valentine was considered to be the patron saint of lovers.
One of their false beliefs connected with this festival was that the names of girls who had reached marriageable age would be written on small rolls of paper and placed in a dish on a table. Then the young men who wanted to get married would be called, and each of them would pick a piece of paper. He would put himself at the service of the girl whose name he had drawn for one year, so that they could find out about one another. Then they would get married, or they would repeat the same process again on the day of the festival in the following year.
The Christian clergy reacted against this tradition, which they considered to have a corrupting influence on the morals of young men and women. It was abolished in Italy, where it had been well-known, then it was revived in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, when in some western countries there appeared shops which sold small books called “Valentine’s books”, which contained love poems, from which the one who wanted to send a greeting to his sweetheart could choose. They also contained suggestions for writing love letters.
The above quotation is excerpted, with slight modifications, from www.Islam-qa.com
As regards the Islamic stance on this festival, Dr. Su`ad Ibrahim Salih, professor of Islamic Jurisprudence (Fiqh) at Al-Azhar University, states the following:
Indeed, Islam is the religion of altruism, true love, and cooperation on that which is good and righteous. We implore Allah Almighty to gather us together under the umbrella of His All-encompassing Mercy, and to unite us together as one man. Allah Almighty says: (The believers are naught else than brothers. Therefore make peace between your brethren and observe your duty to Allah that haply ye may obtain mercy.) (Al-Hujurat 49: 10)
Focusing more on the question in point, I can say that there are forms of expressing love that are religiously acceptable, while there are others that are not religiously acceptable. Among the forms of love that are religiously acceptable are those that include the love for Prophets and Messengers. It stands to reason that the love for Allah, and His Messenger Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) should have the top priority over all other forms of love.
Islam does recognize happy occasions that bring people closer to one another, and add spice to their lives. However, Islam goes against blindly imitating the West regarding a special occasion such as Valentine’s Day. Hence, commemorating that special day known as the Valentine’s Day is an innovation or bid`ah that has no religious backing. Every innovation of that kind is rejected, as far as Islam is concerned. Islam requires all Muslims to love one another all over the whole year, and reducing the whole year to a single day is totally rejected.
Hence, we Muslims ought not to follow in the footsteps of such innovations and superstitions that are common in what is known as the Valentine’s Day. No doubt that there are many irreligious practices that occur on that day, and those practices are capable of dissuading people from the true meanings of love and altruism to the extent that the celebration is reduced to a moral decline
Noor Liza Abd Rahman.
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